Malek Mohammed pit is located at geographical location E585942 N302402 in Kerman province and in the middle of central Lut desert area. This hole is bordered on the east by Rigilan. Malek Mohammed’s pit is 10 km 2 and has a height of 300 meters above sea level. It is located 105 kilometers east of Shahdad (in the eastern vicinity of the Clutz area); some may mistakenly think of the central Lut hole, but it is the site of one of the Lut Lut Central Hole drainages. At the bottom of the hole, which is like a bowl, is a blue drain that evaporates in the form of a river. In the Lut Desert, there are many pits, such as the Malek Mohammad pits. The Shoregas Hamoon Pit and the Goodenmack Pit (the widest embankment in the central Lutzhole) are more than one square kilometer wide in the other pits of this desert. Located 14 kilometers northeast of Hole, Malik Mohammed Mountain has long been used by Lut’s desert travelers for navigation.