Shade Khosh desert area is located at N5520 E2649 geographical location in Hormozgan province. This desert area is located in the rural west of the same name. Shia Khosh village, located in the central part of Bandar Lengeh, is located 2 km south of Dough and 2 km south of Bandar Lengeh. Access to this area is possible via the Bandar Lenga Road link to Bandar Abbas. The popularity of the area was doubled after a photo of Mr. Milani was released by a clown.

Shady Khosh area has many beautiful beaches due to its proximity to the Persian Gulf. The abundance of palm trees in the area has also added to its beauty. The village of Shade Khosh in the vicinity of this area is a long one. The ancient artifacts of the village include the Bandhasan and the Safavid inn where the caravan resorts were located. The village has a mosque, a primary school, a water supply, a secondary school, telecommunications, a post office, a bank, internet access, and a health house. Most of the villagers are fishing, farming, shrimp farming, agriculture and commerce.

The natural scenery of the village can be noted as a well-kept shade spa. This fountain is located on the road to Bandar Khamir to Bandar Lengeh. Fountain distance to Shade Khosh village is about 2 km. The source of the fountain lies in the marl limestone slope and across the mountain. The form of the well-shaded fountain is based on the plate-based technic hypothesis, and its water is in the range of sulfate water, calcium with high magnesium, and warm chlorine and sodium.