Daq Tal Hamid is located at geographical location N3303 E5547 in Yazd province. The area is located south of the Rig Camel, 25 kilometers east of Rabat behind almonds and west of the highlands overlooking the Naibandan Wildlife Refuge. The area is in the form of desert playa with crystalline salt traces on the ground and lacks any vegetation. It has a north-south range and is about 25 km north-south and about 7 km west-east. The altitude is about 774 meters in the northern areas and in the vicinity of the sand camel sand is about 774 meters in the south. 795 meters. The western highlands of Daq and a main river that flow from the highlands overlooking the Nayeban to the east feed. Access to this area is possible via Yazd Road to Tabas after ligament behind almond and 3 way Khor-Tabas towards Tabas (20 km after three way). Tal Hamid lies west of where American helicopters crash.