Safar Baqer Dozdou is located at N340534 E545001 in Isfahan province and on the edge of the Egyptian village. Safar Bagher Dedzou is located 8 kilometers east of the Egyptian village in Isfahan province. The desert is 10 km wide and 30 km long surrounded by rolling sand dunes on the west side and several beds on the east side. On the south side are calcareous terrain, which, if moved south, will replace sand dunes. Hence the area is similar to a small dried lake surrounded by these hills. Vegetation is mainly arch vegetation communities that are spontaneous and solitary in the area.

The scenery of the desert from the tall beds of the east is very exquisite and beautiful and is a great place to photograph the nature of the desert. This area is a great place for camping in the Egyptian countryside. The reason for the naming of this area was the devastating flood of the Egyptian village of 1355, which led all the villagers’ belongings to the area, hence the name Safi Bagher Dodzu.

To reach Safi Bagher Dedzou you first have to go to Egypt, then reach the desert about 4 km east. Continuing from the desert margin to the east, you will reach the village of Mohammad Abad Korez Gaz and the village of Marousan. It is worth pointing out that moving on this route requires double-duty cars and off-road driving skills, especially in desert areas. If you are unfamiliar with the area, do not travel to the desert without local guides and camping facilities.