Eshtehard Desert or Ghoshlagh Hossein Khani (also known as Qarpuzabad Desert) in geographical location 1 ° 2 minutes east to 6 ° 2 minutes east and 2 ° to 6 ° north north of Eshtehard city and southeast of Mehr City Karaj is located in Alborz province. The desert is 2 kilometers long and about 2 kilometers wide. At the central point of the desert is a fine precipice, and at the margin of the altitude there are beautiful salt domes of various colors. The salt marshes of the margins of this desert have unfortunately been severely destroyed for salt extraction. The scenery of the desert above these heights is breathtaking. The proximity of the desert to Tehran has the potential to become a destination for desert tourism. The vegetation of the area on the margins of Artemisia plain and in the desert core lacks vegetation. To the south of the desert is the river Saur (Abhar River) or, as the natives say, Sorkat flowing from west to east, the margin of the river being extremely swampy and should be considered if traveling by car. The river is sparsely populated by zebrafish (Aphanius). sophiae) and this season there are birds such as Salim Toghi, Swallow, White Egret and steppe eagle in the area. In this area, due to erosion in the northern highlands of Eshtehard (valley ring heights) the salt marsh is drained to this area and hence the saline river has a western-eastern route and due to very low land slope, The river’s velocity slows down and mainly penetrates the ground, causing the Eshtehard Desert to form. Passage of saline water crosses the salt marsh, passing through the salt marsh, and in the Asif al-Dawlah bridge near the Mahdasht police station, it is completely saline and flows southeast and eventually flows into the Masil Lake catchment. The reason for naming the area to Qarpuzabad is its proximity to Qarpuzabad village in the north. In Azeri, mushroom means watermelon.

History of the region
Qarpuz Abad hill dating to the Sassanid period until the 5th and 6th centuries. Ah. It is located in Nazarabad city, central part, Ahmad Abad village, Qarpozabad village and this work has been registered as one of the national monuments of Iran on November 5th.

Antiquities of the area
In Rahmanieh village of Imamzadegan Zaid and Rahman or three dome descendants of Imam Jafar Sadegh (AS) are on the main road to Karaj to Eshtehard. The Imamzadeh monument belongs to the 6th and 6th centuries, which is of particular architectural character and is one of the most important religious monuments in the region. The building has three domes and belong to three historical periods, with the eastern dome belonging to the Ilkhanid period, the western dome belonging to the Timurid period and the northern dome in the Safavid era was annexed.
Just a short distance from Imamzadeh there are three dome remains of a castle known as the Leopard Abad. The castle building belongs to the Safavid and Qajar periods. The existence of an ancient hill belonging to the historical and Islamic period is also one of the surviving monuments in the region.

To access the desert you can use the new Nazar Abad Karaj road which runs through the middle of the desert.