The lush north coast always welcomes domestic and foreign tourists who buy a plane ticket to enjoy the climate. The Gilaki people’s clothing, as well as their environment, stuns every viewer. Gilk’s people’s clothing is a symphony of colors and brings energy and vitality. This dress has a long history in addition to its eye-catching colors. The Gilkites have been carrying a 4000 year old. As we said, the combination of many colors is one of the features of Gilaki clothing. Gilk’s women wear a skirt that is high to the ground. The designs of these skirts are usually horizontal stripes, each of which has a different color. These long skirts are worn with a simple shirt and colorful vest. White and tassel scarves are another feature of Gilk’s ladies’ clothing. The distinctive feature of Gilaki men’s clothing is the belts that fasten to their waist. The sex of these backs is cotton. In addition, the use of hats is also common among men in Gilaki. Men’s hats are cylindrical and are worn for different occasions.