[wpgmza id = ”1%] two Gardens is located in the geographical position lat = 33.6943185 lon = 54.0716859 in the northern half of the Rig Jinn area, 2 km northeast of Chopanan village in Isfahan province. This hollow is covered by the dense conglomerates of black shrub, and the cover is unique in its kind. The two gardens are surrounded by huge sand dunes in the sand dunes, and its trenches create a good position to protect the flies from the winds of the area and thus protect the roots of the shrubs. Also, the spongy and water-absorbing properties of the sand make it difficult for shrubs to obtain the water they need. The pit consists of two separate west-east gardens separated by a sand wall. The western garden is larger and has a length of about 2 meters and the eastern garden has a length of about 2 meters. The area was first named by Ali Parsa for its visual resemblance to two separate gardens in the Ridge Jen walk in year 6.
The northern sand dunes are about 2 m high and the southern dunes are about 2 m high. The distance between the two gardens is about 1 km north to the end of the sandy area and about 3 km south.
Due to the dense vegetation, the area has great potential for camouflage and desert biodiversity. Field observations of wolf, hyena and sand cat were observed in the area. The existence of shattered camel bones in this area, which is only possible by hyena, is a proof of this. Zooming heights within 2 kilometers northeast, and heights 2 kilometers to the south, have provided dog breeders with access to wolves and hyenas. Also carcasses, sand foxes, scorpions, hawks, toothbrushes, etc. are other species that are likely to be the habitat.
Access to the Dual Gardens area requires off-road technical skills and can be accessed from both routes. The first route is from the south side of the sandstone wall of Damghan and the old communication road Khoras-Anarak from the village of Allahabad Abi Chopanan to the north and through the valley between the dense sand dunes to the area of the two gardens and the second route from the north side of the sandstorm which is the most difficult route. .