Geographical position of Sarayan is 58 ° 9 minutes to 58 degrees 21 minutes east to 33 degrees 22 minutes to 33 degrees 41 minutes northwest of Sarayan city in south Khorasan province. The desert has an elliptical shape that is about 40 kilometers long and about 20 kilometers wide. The desert area consists of flat, low-lying lands with little concave salinity and very alkaline soils that range from deep to heavy to very heavy and very saline and alkaline. Salted plants are found with higher water requirement. On the eastern edge of the desert are sand dunes and sandstones. In the southern part of the desert, salt platforms in the center of the desert are covered by steppe cover. On the fringes of the desert, there is a clear coverage of the Thak arch forests. In the desert arena, the saline-friendly vegetation in these areas contains 16 species with 3 vegetation types.
Access path
The Sarayan Asphalted Road crosses the village of Saqaleh and continues along the dirt road to the south through the desert.