According to French author Jean Evin, anyone who reads the history of Kerman correctly is like reading the history of the whole world. However, unfortunately, this part of the country is much more than the joys of the times and tribulations …
Kerman, having a large part of the Lut Plain, is the cradle of desert wonders. Shahdad and Kalut are the hottest parts of the planet. The heat is such that the carcasses of animals are not decomposed. The evaporation power of water is such that it is dried before the carcass is decomposed by the bacteria. This area is known as a branch of the Moon on Earth. It is 25 kilometers from Shahdad and less than half an hour drive from the opposite region of Sirch from the cold mountains of Iran. Early in the spring, the mountains are covered with snow and are good for the nomads. In the winters, which are under the umbrella of many tourists, the cold of the garlic burns to their bones.
The legendary town of Kalut, about 130 kilometers from Nehbandan – a wonderful area near Shahdad – but narrates the nature of Kerman. No one lives in the legendary city, couldn’t live. No living creature in this area has a living permit – even bacteria. The cloak has a structure of wind motion in the soft heart of desert soil that has been formed over many years; It is as if a clay building from our civilization is pre-history. Traveling without guides in the “clouds” is dangerous, as it is possible to get lost in this imaginary city 110 kilometers long and 50 kilometers wide. A short distance from the inactive town of Kalut, life in “Shahdad” is flowing. Children go to preschool, mothers wake up in the morning with the thought of preparing a family lunch, and fathers throw out a mug of bread.
The world’s tallest sand pyramids, 40 Quaternary volcanic cones, wide sand and gravel zones with a light brown to gray and black color range such as Goddard Gunpowder, wavy sand dunes, planted sand dunes, desert terrain (surface of this desert). It looks as if it is getting wet after a lot of rain and some camels have walked on it) and Hamada (sandy beaches) and the salt river are wonderful wonders of the lowland. Although skiing in Iran has not yet been implemented in Iran, it has great potential for attracting and attracting tourists, and Kerman province can record significant records in this regard. There are 27 springs in Kerman. Most of these springs are near the desert, not the desert itself. The presence of volcanic mountains has caused many hot springs in the province. Abargah, Maskan and Sarzeh hot springs have also come out of faults near Bam ….