The ancients considered Rig Jen to be the dwelling place of demons and demons, in which every human being embedded in their anger and anger would not survive. They also considered the movement of sand dunes and their deformation due to the presence of evil powers in the area. When man is aware of the utter uneasiness of his surroundings and knows that there is probably nothing but sand for long distances, the desert can become a terrifying land and be avoided by the inhabitants around it. According to indigenous people living in the outskirts of most of the desert regions of Iran, sand dunes are a meeting place for evil spirits and demons. In this respect it is noteworthy that Shahnameh, our great collection of epic literature, has spoken of dealing with evil spirits in the wilderness. This character is not just for Iranians.
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Venice tourist Marcopello has repeatedly spoken about his journey through the Iranian deserts. In the narrative of his journey on the fringes of the Rig Jen, Sun Haddin quotes a small creek passing by two strange men passing by and waving a hand at him as he walks a short distance from the caravan and no longer hears the sound of camels ringing. The next day, as they ask other companions about their destination, the two are conscientiously refusing to see a dog in the area and reminded that the dogs would have reacted if it had been.
The slightest sound in the desert environment, which is generally very quiet, can be very powerful. When rocks collapse due to extreme temperature differences (crying) and when the storm rolls through a hole created by chemical weathering or when the wind moves through the sand slopes it causes the sand to collapse. All of this will create unusual sounds that in some cases are accompanied by hallucinations.
The pervasive deformation of the sand dunes that extend to the infinite and represent a ripple sea, even the most fearless of the empty and naked sand dunes fits with time and space. . There is a real fear of place and a real fear of the traveler. He is constantly thinking about how to get rid of the land he has invaded. In absolute silence what is heard has a stronger effect. For with such a long stay in such a land and the warnings already given to the traveler, not only do the sounds not only quiet but also become more audible. In the sand at night, when the focus and senses are more intense, the sounds have a strange and unusual sound. Such sounds have a completely mysterious effect.
According to H.W. Blue, in the border region of Iran and Afghanistan in the east of Darab, there is a sandy area that is near death because of the sounds it can hear. Sounds that sound like a continuous drum sound even at a distance of one and a half kilometers. Similar reports of travelogue writers in different sandy areas are ecstatic. Many of the sounds heard in sandy areas are generally caused by human hearing loss caused by the falling and falling sand.
In most of the stories narrated about the desert, and especially in the Rig Genie area, ghosts have always sought evil and sought to destroy the humans who invaded their territory. During the day, when someone leaves the caravan and the caravan passes through the sand dunes, it is hidden from view and the person behind it suddenly senses that they are calling his name. It’s a familiar sound that resembles that of his companions. He is thus pulled out of the original way and destroyed. Sometimes in the middle of the night they hear the caravan sound as they head towards it and they discover that they have lost their way. There are also other weird stories about Rig Jen over the tongues. There were huge snakes in the area of Agha, where the devil’s ghosts were blown up and attacked by the caravans’ fire as night came on.
With new and inaccurate themes always being added to unrealistic stories, there is no shortage of imagination to keep. Areas where people on the outskirts never cross alone and always collectively travel the path. Undoubtedly, the inevitable shortcomings in the desert areas help to overcome effective rational errors. The absence of any traces of human life in a large area has a huge impact. In these cases one becomes so sensitive that the existence of a trivial being can cause fear and distress. Austrian researcher Alphonse Gabriel and deserter narrate that in Zangi Ahmad region, when stopped briefly in the sand dunes, the presence of a fly in the caravan causes a great deal of fear among his companions, as they considered the fly to be evil, if flies in Has appeared between them. This is also the case in the Central Desert region when dealing with a small lizard. The impact of the desert environment on humans often has a devastating effect. It should be noted that experienced travelers have also been misled repeatedly in deserted deserts and have even started cycling.
This condition can be increased to the point of complete mental disorder. Many deserters and celebrities have suffered from these disorders throughout history, leading to their deaths in some cases. Sun Hedin points out in his book Desert Deserts that one of his guides in the Central Desert has suffered and died. The book also mentions a temporary mental disorder that Hidden himself suffered in the Whitehall area. In his book Crossing the Iranian Desert, Gabriel mentions a guide in the area of the bride who suffered from these disorders and died in the desert.
It is out of the question to deal with all the legends of the Jungle Rig but what about the Rig Jen is the sky and the earth that has made it the land of legends. What should be taken into consideration when traveling to such areas is sufficient technical, safety and experience experience. The desert, despite its quiet and patient appearance, has a rough and dangerous nature. Traveling to such areas requires special arrangements, and without the necessary studies, it will certainly have disastrous consequences.