Saltberg Desert is located at N295525 E550515 in Kerman province. The Erbakir Desert was a shallow lake more than 200 years ago that has been drying up due to climate change and is currently experiencing desert conditions. Situated 16 kilometers south of Shahr-Babak, in the vicinity of the village of Ebrq, the beautiful freshwater and gourmet distance of 2 kilometers makes an interesting difference for tourists. This lake seems to be a continuous discontinuity of Sirjan salt basin. The desert is about 1754 meters above sea level and has a north-south extension. The desert is about 4 km long and at most 1.5 km wide. Due to a natural wall on the east side of the desert, seasonal floods and inundations from the north and south of the desert have accumulated in the area and due to the high salinity of the soils, desert and salt marshes have made the area. Important elevations in this area include Mount Kalagun at 8 km northeast and Seven Mountains at 16 km east.
No vegetation is visible inside the Shepherd Desert. Only on the fringes of the desert are halophytic and saline-friendly plants such as ashan and gazelle. Outside the desert area, in areas where soil salinity is slightly reduced, vegetation may include shrubs, asparagus, wild spinach, leeks, cacti, chewing gum, wheat anemone, anchovy, lily, Melica, Kharashtar, Helah Hassan. , Caravanserai, ephedra, scunnibl, hawthorn, scorpion, parand, gaz, flax, chamomile, night-smell of desert, bitter, March, salty grass, colpore, licorice. Numerous palm trees are also visible on the fringe of the desert.
Access to the desert is possible via the Babak city road link to the village of Ebraq (Mazra).