The wandering herd is located in the geographical location of N341008 E544223 in Isfahan province and the western edge of the Egyptian village. The area consists of longitudinal (sand) hills of sand (sand) that extend along parallel walls to the north and end at the desert border. The sand walls in the local dialect are called Riggs, which range from 3 to 5 kilometers in length and vary between 40 and 50 meters. The scenery is exquisite and beautiful if viewed from a height. To see this pristine desert beauty you can use the armchair or gray loft. There is no vegetation on the sandy walls, but on the periphery there are Artemisia dachi, Nassi, goat beard, Mir Hossein hat and so on. The area is home to wildlife including sand foxes, sand cats, snake bears, snake camels, steppe agama and black tails, Pomswaki and more. The herd sand in the desert dialect refers to the parallel sand walls. The reason for using the word wandering is that the high number of these walls has led astray travelers and caravans to identify the correct route.
To reach the wandering herd of sand, you have to travel 3 kilometers west of Farahzad Village to the west on the sloping edge and then turn 8 kilometers northwest to reach Gray Ash. The area is located 1 km west of Tall Gray and north of Arm Flat. To access this area be sure to use the familiar area guide and navigation equipment such as GPS. Helped cars are needed to reach this area