Drunken Rig is located at N3448 E5244 geographical location in Semnan province. Mish drunken sand (also known as Mish drunk well) is located in the southwest of Semnan province and in the northwestern area of the Desert National Park. The area is bounded on the north by the swamps of the Vergi River and the Sulfur Mountain, on the south by the Nakheir Highlands, on the east by the Central Desert Playa, and specifically on the northwest by the Rig Jen, and on the east by the salt marshes of the Black Mountain (Black Mountain Plain). Due to wet clayey and marshy areas of the area, proximity to civilization centers such as the Garmsar and Varamin counties remains largely unknown. Geographically it is the closest sandstone to Tehran. This area is difficult to access due to the wet clay lands to the north, east and west in certain seasons of the year.
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The snowstorm has a circular area of 10 km in diameter. The heights of the sand sands rarely exceed 30 meters and increase to the north as they move. The direction of the ridge of sand is north-south and partly to the northeast. High relative humidity in the area is one of the main reasons for its formation due to the persistent salt marshes in the north as well as the Najjir heights in the south that supply the particles. Rainfall height is about 750 meters in the northern areas and in the vicinity of the bloated desert terrain, which increases southward to 850 in the vicinity of the Najjir slopes.
The ewes were drunk from the Arab-speaking tribes on the outskirts of Tehran and the Masilah plain, which used to breed in the Masilah plain and south of Varamin in the past. Following the Islamic conquest, Arab immigrants flooded into Iran from Khuzestan to Khorasan. Among these seekers of life, there were those who could not or did not want to stay in the Levant or Iraq because of their affiliation with the Shiites or the Khawarij. They gradually acquired property and lodging in these nomads. In these migrations, the geographical location of the desert areas such as the Masaila Plain and the current Desert National Park were more in line with the Arabs’ livelihoods than elsewhere. With the help of his camel, the Arab man was able to move around in the desert. It would not have been easy for him to cross rivers and climb other mountainous areas of Iran. They were therefore more interested in desert and desert areas.
Drunken ewes have mild winters and hot summers. The temperature in the region fluctuates between at least -5 degrees Celsius and maximum 50 degrees Celsius. Average rainfall in this area is about 70 mm, varying from 50 mm to 300 mm in different years. The rainy season is from November to May and in the two months of January and January it is sometimes snowy.
Important plants in this area are: hawthorn, herb, all kinds of salty, ashan, scallops, artemisia, astragalus, carnation, prairie, spandex, broom, lichen, wild almond, scanbill, etc. Is.
wild life
In abundance, they include rabbits, sand foxes, caracals, sand cats, wild cats, Asian cheetahs, which are the country’s rarest species and symbol of the country’s wildlife.
The native birds of the region are Quebec, Thiho, Baqarqira, Hobre, Boragh, Zakak Kakli, Khakak Khaki, Sarkepa, Delijah, Shahin and Shah Bouf.
Horned vulture, parsley vulture, ostrich, thyromar, bamboo, agama and jaco
As mentioned earlier, access to the area is difficult due to the salt marshes and wet clay lands surrounding the area. The access to the area can be accessed by the Sulfur Mine Road, which needs to cross the Wergi River. Rigsar is 8 km south of Sulfur Mountain. There is also a path from Desert Desert National Park to the Drunken Rig that is used by the park’s environmentalists. From the Malek Abad Fountain, inside the park area, a path to the north separates, which branches near the Rigsar and leads to the southern Rigsar. Recently, a dirt road has been constructed in the Rig Jen area with an unspecified use that will cross the Northern Rig Jen and Najjir Plains to the Rig Mash Drunk and Desert National Park. In Nakhjir plain, the land is extremely wet and swampy. Access to this road is possible through Damghan Jandagh communication line after crossing the teachers’ village. It is worth noting that the Rig Mish Drunk is located in the Desert National Park and any traffic it requires requires a permit from the Semnan Desert National Park and Environment Administration.